Welcome May!
It’s time to start thinking about gardening & planting and all things SPRING! We already have our outdoor benches and chairs out and are so excited to see our beautiful River Bend courtyards in full bloom!
A big thank you to everyone who came out to our April Events. It was wonderful to share a meal with old & new friends at our 55 & Older Lunch & BINGO. We had a great turn out for the “Our Neighbors the Amish” event.  Let’s not forget all our friends and family who came out for the Easter Bunny visit too! It was a great month filled with variety here at River Bend.
Now that the weather is finally beginning to warm up we are able to start planning outdoor activities & trips. We will be gardening, starting up a walking club and more! We are looking forward to our spring and summer activities & adventures. There’s nothing better than beautiful weather & beautiful memories made with friends and family. 
Happy Spring everyone! Enjoy it! 

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